Chiropractor Gretna NE

Chiropractor, Muscle Therapy, and Weight Loss Gretna, NE

Welcome to Spine & Muscle Therapy of Gretna, NE. We specialize in chiropractic care, muscle therapy, and weight loss in Gretna, Nebraska.

Chiropractic, Muscle Therapy, and Weight Loss Gretna, NE

Chiropractic Care

If you are suffering from constant back pain, Dr. Thomas can help. It is common for people to experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain can be caused by a variety of factors such as poor posture, lifting heavy objects, or a medical condition. Chronic back pain can significantly affect your daily life, making it difficult to perform simple tasks and even limiting your mobility.

A qualified healthcare professional, such as Dr. Thomas, can assess your condition and provide a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your needs. Dr. Thomas can help you recover from an array of injuries, which could be causing your back pain, including strains, sprains, disc herniation, spinal stenosis, or degenerative disc disease.

Recovery from back pain may involve a combination of treatments, such as physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Dr. Thomas can also provide personalized advice on exercises and stretches that can help relieve your back pain and improve your overall physical health.

If you are experiencing constant back pain, seeking help from a qualified healthcare professional, such as Dr. Thomas, can help you recover and improve your quality of life.

Dr. Thomas Morehead, DC - Gretna NE

Dr. Thomas Morehead

Dr. Thomas Morehead Jr. is a Nebraskan native with over 18 years of chiropractic experience. He received his bachelor’s degree in Biology and Chiropractic degree at Logan College of Chiropractic.

He is full body and nerve entrapment trained in Active Release Techniques (ART), which is considered the “Gold Standard” in soft tissue treatment. Dr. Morehead is trauma trained and has extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of automobile accidents, sports injuries, and the aches and pains of everyday living. He is currently in the process of earning his Certification in Functional Medicine and Diplomate in Nutrition.

Dr. Morehead is invested in helping others be the healthiest they can be and is ready to help you achieve this.

Thomas Morehead Jr. DC

Neck pain Gretna NE

Gretna Muscle Therapy

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a method for managing injuries to the soft tissues in your body, such as muscles, tendons, and nerves. These injuries are often caused by overusing certain muscles and are known as cumulative trauma disorders (CTD) or repetitive stress injuries.

Examples of these conditions-collectively called cumulative trauma disorders (CTD), also known as overuse syndrome, or repetitive stress injuries

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • tennis elbow
  • rotator cuff syndrome
  • Tension Headaches
  • sciatica
  • chronic lower-back & neck pain
  • hyper-extension/-flexion injury (whiplash)
  • hamstring strains
  • hip pain
  • knee pain
  • ankle sprains
  • plantar fasciitis
  • post-operative scar tissue 

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, book a free consultation today. Dr. Thomas will meet with you and discuss all potential treatments and therapy that can get you back to your normal self again!

As a chiropractor, I prioritize your health and well-being above all else. That's why I offer a flexible approach to care that doesn't involve long-term contracts. Whether you need treatment for two weeks or two years, I'm committed to providing the care you need without any unnecessary upsells or fluff. With my help, you can maintain your chiropractic, muscle therapy, and weight loss needs without breaking the bank.
— Dr. Morehead

Weight Loss Gretna NE

Weight Loss

CHIROThin Weight Loss Program at Gretna Weight Loss Center

ChiroThin Is Sold Exclusively To Chiropractors. Using CHIRO-Thin I can help you achieve your weight

  • break the bad habits that caused you to become overweight
  • learn how to shop and eat healthy foods
  • lose up to 20-45 pounds in 6 weeks, safely and effectively
  • become less dependent on prescription drugs
  • reset their BMI and BMR set points
  • change your life
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